Kennedy Thorp Positive Spirit Award

Kennedy Thorp was a student who attended School at Springfield from First Steps to Grade Four. She passed away in the fall of 2014. In the year's following, Kennedy's family, parent council and the school have presented a Kennedy Thorp Positive Spirit Award to a student from each grade level from 1-4. One student that demonstrates the criteria below is nominated by the classroom teacher for each class. These students receive a medal and certificate. Grade level teachers then get together to put a name forward that will receive an individual plaque and get their names on the larger plaque outside the office.
Here is the criteria to consider when nominating your classroom and grade level:
-includes everyone
-encouraging to everyone
-enthusiastic and positive
-compassionate and tolerant
-accepting of everyone
The following is what the family wrote when asked what they thought this award should entail-
"Kennedy was an inspiration to everyone she met. In the worst of times in her ongoing struggle she always had a huge smile especially when she heard her name! She taught everyone she met in her own way a lot about themselves and how you should approach life. All you had to do is ask "how are you doing Kennedy?" And if you looked deep into her eyes you would see the answer! We can all learn from that!"
"Kennedy had a way of lighting up the room with her smile. Her smile and giggle was infectious. Kennedy was loved by everyone and touched everyone she met with her bright personality. She always had a smile on her face even on her worst day. In the most unpleasant circumstances she would be giggling and happy! Kennedy loved music, school and her family. She was brave, tough, sensitive, vibrant and big hearted."
*Please view our photos section for this years recipients